How to Customize Your Brand Identity for Local Calling With Area Specific Vanity Numbers

There’s nothing more important to your business than creating the right identity for your brand, but the best way to project that identity may vary significantly by area. Many businesses already respond to market statistics by tailoring advertising to reflect local pride, culture, and preferences. So why not package your phone number in the same way? Vanity numbers have proven their value as a marketing tool time and time again, but many businesses aren’t using them to their full potential. With area specific vanity numbers, your business can now use market analytic research to optimally impact every area code that you market to.

The Value of Customizing Your Brand Identity

Customizing your brand through a vanity number has long been a quick way to boost sales and increase consumer awareness of what your product or service has to offer. Area specific vanity number customization is a little newer, and is only currently being offered by select companies. The value of catering to area-specific consumer identity, however, has been proven time and time again by progressive entrepreneurs. Let’s take a look at the results of a couple of those studies:

Choosing an Area Specific Vanity Number

Area specific vanity numbers are an easy starting point for area-targeted marketing, and can help to produce preliminary marketing statistics for localized advertising campaigns. In choosing an area-specific vanity number, it’s important to recognize what’s important to local consumers. For example, if a tire company wants to target New York City buyers, appealing to local pride through a number such as “NEW-YORKER-TIRES” may be effective. In targeting Texas locals, who are famously proud of their state and its unique scenery, a number such as “SCENIC-TEXAS-WHEELS” may optimally impact residents. What defines the area that you want to market your product in? Are locals proud of their celebrities, their history, their scenery, their ethnicity, or simply their location? By determining these factors, you’ll be well on your way to generating increased consumer traffic through identity-based vanity numbers.